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About the REALTOR® Marks
For over 100 years, the REALTOR®, REALTORS®, REALTOR ASSOCIATE®, and REALTOR® Logo trademarks (the “REALTOR® Marks”) have differentiated members of the National Association of REALTORS® (“NAR”) from non-member real estate professionals. REALTOR® has one meaning, a member of NAR, and indicates a real estate professional’s pledge to adhere to NAR’s strict Code of Ethics. The REALTOR® Marks also signify NAR members’ commitment to protecting clients, the public, and other real estate professionals, as well as to conducting business with integrity, and providing high standards of real estate services.
The REALTOR® Marks are protected by federal law, and NAR’s Trademark Rules are designed to protect and promote the special meaning of the REALTOR® Marks, ensuring that the REALTOR® brand remains a valuable membership benefit.
Download the Membership Marks Manual, which outlines NAR's trademark rules as they apply to members' use of the REALTOR® trademarks.
Need Additional Resources?
Find more resources, logos, and other information about the Georgia real estate market at the Georgia REALTORS® website.